买好琴就选“久音古琴” 电话:15150827214 客服微信号:gcds325 (联系客服观看实拍视频)

琴底龙池上方篆书“九霄环佩”琴名,下方有篆文“包含”大印一方。池左行书:“超迹苍霄,逍遥太极。庭坚。” 琴足上方行书:“蔼蔼春风细,琅琅环珮音。垂帘新燕语,苍海老龙吟。苏轼记。” 凤沼上方有“三唐琴榭”篆书长方印一方,下方“楚园藏琴”印一方。此琴形制古朴,工艺精湛,实为稀世珍品。
The "Jiuxiao Huanpei" Guqin, housed in the Palace Museum, is described as follows: The total length of the instrument is 124 centimeters, the playable length is 114.2 centimeters, the width of the head is 21.8 centimeters, the width of the shoulders is 21.2 centimeters, the width of the tail is 15.4 centimeters, and the thickness is 5.8 centimeters. The instrument is made with phoenix tree wood for the face and fir wood for the base. The entire body is coated with purple lacquer, with large patches of cinnabar lacquer applied to the face and base, exhibiting fine snake-belly crackle patterns and a pure deer antler ash core. The sound holes, known as the dragon pond and phoenix marsh, are both flat and round. The interior soundboard is raised, and the areas around the sound holes are indented into a round-bottomed, elongated trench shape, extending throughout the length of the soundboard. The inlays are made of mother-of-pearl, the tuning pegs are made of redwood, and the feet are exquisitely carved from white jade, with rosewood used for the bridge and tail. The protective tuning peg cover is also made of rosewood, which may have been installed by the Qing Dynasty Guangling School guqin master Xu Qi.
On the bottom of the instrument, above the dragon pond, is the inscription "Jiuxiao Huanpei" in seal script, and below it is a seal in seal script reading "Bao Han." To the left of the pond is the running script inscription: "Transcending the blue heavens, wandering in the ultimate void. Inscribed by Huang Tingjian." Above the feet is the running script inscription: "Gentle spring breeze, fine and clear; sonorous jade pendants, melodious sound. New swallows chattering behind the curtains, ancient dragons intoning from the vast sea. Recorded by Su Shi." Above the phoenix marsh is a rectangular seal in seal script reading "San Tang Qin Xie," and below it is a seal reading "Chu Yuan Cang Qin." This guqin, with its simple form and exquisite craftsmanship, is truly a rare treasure.
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zhongni style Guqin Instrument
For a high-quality Guqin, choose "Jiuyin Guqin".
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